After life programs

In a circular economy, our first and foremost commitment is to reduce product consumption and encourage the principles of reusing, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, or repurposing items for as long as possible. The essence of sustainability lies in prolonging the lifespan of products, and only when they can no longer serve their purpose do we shift our focus to recycling.

Rebirth Program

 At the core of our After Life Program is the “Rebirth Program,” a unique initiative designed to facilitate the seamless transition of our mannequins from one lifecycle to the next. Through this program, we connect our customers directly with organizations eager to repurpose and creatively reimagine these mannequins. This not only contributes to minimizing waste but also encourages innovation and collaboration within diverse sectors.

Connecting with Educational Institutions

One key avenue within the Rebirth Program involves forging partnerships with educational institutions. By redirecting used mannequins to fashion schools, we contribute to the development of the next generation of designers. These institutions can utilize the mannequins for hands-on training, providing students with practical experience in creating and showcasing their designs.

Inspiring Artistic Expression in Academies

Our Rebirth Program extends its reach to art academies, providing a canvas for artistic expression. Sculptors, painters, and multimedia artists can transform discarded mannequins into captivating works of art, fostering creativity and sustainability simultaneously.

Empowering Community Initiatives

Beyond the realms of education and art, our program seeks to support community initiatives. By collaborating with local organizations, we aim to repurpose mannequins for community projects, creating public installations or functional pieces that contribute to the aesthetics and well-being of shared spaces. 

Compostable Program

By incorporating 100% bio-sourced and non-toxic materials, these mannequins are designed to be disposed of responsibly, bridging the gap between innovative design and environmental consciousness.  Our RECO quality is a pioneering initiative aimed at redefining the lifecycle of our mannequins.

Compostable Program: Nurturing Nature’s Cycle

Our Compostable Program is centered around mannequins crafted entirely from materials derived from renewable resources. These mannequins, being non-toxic and free from harmful additives, are capable of returning to nature through composting. This groundbreaking approach not only reduces waste but also aligns with our commitment to sustainable practices.

Disposal as Simple as Paper or Garden Waste

Customers embracing the Compostable Program can effortlessly dispose of these mannequins in a manner akin to everyday paper or garden waste. As these mannequins are fully compostable, they contribute to the creation of nutrient-rich compost, fostering a regenerative approach to waste management.

Recycling Manual for Seamless Transition

Upon expressing an interest in transitioning from one design concept to another, customers enrolled in the Compostable Program will receive a detailed recycling manual, this manual provides clear instructions on separating and recycling any non-compostable components.
By following these guidelines, customers ensure that materials that cannot be composted are appropriately recycled, reinforcing our commitment to a circular and sustainable economy.

Waste to Energy Program

Through this program, we provide a comprehensive solution for the responsible disposal of mannequins, ensuring that both recyclable and non-recyclable materials are handled with environmental consciousness.

 Harnessing Energy through Responsible Disposal

For materials that are not recyclable, our Waste to Energy Program offers an solution where these materials can be responsibly incinerated to generate energy. This approach aligns with our commitment to minimizing waste while simultaneously contributing to the generation of clean and sustainable energy.

 A Holistic Service from Best Mannequins

By embracing the Waste to Energy Program offered by Best Mannequins, our customers can be assured that their mannequins will be disposed of responsibly. This holistic service not only minimizes the environmental impact of waste but also contributes positively to the energy landscape.


Sustainability at our headquarters

Since 2009 our 4700 m2 Belgium Headquarter is fully solar powered. Heating and cooling of our building is done with an ecologic heat pump.